InstallationsIn 1988 I did an installation at the Washington Project for the Arts in Washington D.C. as part of a group exhibition entitled the “Tell Tale Heart”. It was curated by Mel Watkin and also featured the work of artists James Luna, Judy Southerlandand, and Pat Ward Williams. My installation brought together several different kinds of work I had been making including: the paper shell pieces, Cast iron masks, Neon, shoe sculptures, wall drawings, and others. The title of my section was “The Elements of Progress: Dreams Escape” | "The Elements of Progress: Dreams Escape (Cross Section)" 1988, Mixed Medias; This is the "civilized" section of the installation showing two $1 bill masks (a female and a male) hanging over a house made from charcoal briquettes. Inside the house is a sound system to power speakers in the money heads mouths. There is also a stack of Gideons Bibles (the sacred) and a black and white television (the profane) tuned to daytime programming (the Soap operas). The female head ("Mom") is suspended by a counter weight of a stack of dishes and is talking about the house in the ways she will make it a home by decorating it and equipping it with all the modern conviences. The male head (Dad) is suspended by a lead and redwood car and describes the house in legal terms of a property description and mortgage terms, etc. all this is voiced over the sounds of a washing machine going through it's cycles, a toilet being flushed, and a telephone ringing. In the background are reproduced drawings from my daughter. Faye's "Unicorn running from the bullet from nowhere" and "Whispering Princess" are shown. | "The Elements of Progress: Dreams Escape (sleep/TRAIN Section)" 1988, Mixed Medias; | 1988_SlpTrn507260 | 1988_EOP | 1988_EOPSlpTrn_PPT | 1988_EOPA_fullv_PPt |